

A global initiative to protect Human Rights Worldwide



Dear members, volunteers, and the public,

We the “International Human Rights Commission and Council”are committed to addressing critical issues such as child marriage, child labor, women’s violence, corruption in education, and health. We believe that everyone deserves equal rights and dignity, and we strive to create a world where these rights are upheld for all.

To effectively tackle these challenges, we rely on your support and involvement. We encourage all individuals to share information about any activities or incidents related to the aforementioned issues. If you have any knowledge or insights regarding child marriage, child labor, women’s violence, or corruption in education and health, we would greatly appreciate your contribution.

To provide us with information, you can simply send an email to Our dedicated team will review the information you provide and take the necessary steps to address the situation. We assure you that your identity will be kept confidential if you prefer.

Additionally, if you wish to lodge a formal complaint, we have a dedicated platform for that purpose. You can access the complaint form through the following link: By using this platform, you can share your concerns, experiences, or any evidence you may have regarding human rights violations. Your complaint will be treated with the utmost seriousness, and appropriate actions will be taken.

Your involvement is crucial in our collective fight against human rights abuses. Together, we can create positive change and work towards a more equitable and just society. We appreciate your support and commitment to the cause.

Thank you,

Child Marrage

Against Child Marriage

Child Marriage: Child marriage refers to the marriage of individuals below the age of 18. It is a violation of human rights and often leads to negative consequences for the child's physical and psychological well-being. Efforts to address child marriage involve raising awareness, advocating for legal reforms, and providing support for affected individuals and communities.

Child Lobur

Against Child Labor

Child Labor: Child labor involves the exploitation of children through any form of work that deprives them of their childhood, interferes with their ability to attend regular schools, and is mentally, physically, socially, or morally harmful. Organizations and initiatives focused on combating child labor work towards creating awareness, strengthening legislation, and providing education and support to affected children and their families.


Against Women's Violence

Women's Violence: Violence against women is a widespread human rights violation that includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse. It affects women of all ages, backgrounds, and socio economic statuses. Efforts to combat violence against women involve raising awareness, supporting survivors, advocating for legal measures, and promoting gender equality.

Our core committee has decided that our activities will two type. 1. Main Activities. 2. Others Activities.

1. Main Activities :-

              a. Legal help
              b.  Against Child Labor.
              c. Against Child Marriage.
              d.  Against Women’s Violence.
              e. Against Corruption in Health.
              f.  Against Corruption in Education.


2. Others Activities.

Health Awareness Programs:

               a. These programs focus on educating individuals about various health-related topics such as disease prevention, healthy lifestyle choices, mental health, nutrition, and fitness.

Environmental Awareness Programs:

                b. These programs aim to raise awareness about environmental issues such as climate change, pollution, deforestation, and conservation of natural resources. They encourage individuals to adopt sustainable practices and make environmentally conscious choices.

Road Safety Awareness Programs:

               c. These programs promote safe driving habits, traffic rules and regulations, and educate individuals about the importance of wearing seat belts, helmets, and adhering to speed limits. They aim to reduce road accidents and create safer road environments.

Financial Literacy Programs:

               d. These programs provide knowledge and skills related to personal finance, budgeting, savings, investments, and debt management. They aim to empower individuals to make informed financial decisions and improve their financial well-being.

Cybersecurity Awareness Programs:

               e. With the increasing reliance on technology, these programs educate individuals about online threats, safe internet practices, protecting personal information, and preventing cyber crime. They aim to promote a secure and responsible use of technology.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Programs:

               f. These programs focus on promoting gender equality, challenging gender stereotypes, and empowering women to participate fully in social, economic, and political spheres. They aim to create a more inclusive and equal society.

Education and Literacy Programs:

                g.These programs advocate for the importance of education and address issues related to access to quality education, adult literacy, and promoting lifelong learning. They aim to improve literacy rates and enhance educational opportunities for all.

Substance Abuse Prevention Programs:

               h. These programs raise awareness about the dangers of substance abuse, such as drugs and alcohol, and provide information on addiction prevention, rehabilitation resources, and support networks.

Human Rights Awareness Programs:

               i. These programs aim to educate individuals about their rights and promote respect for human rights in society. They focus on issues such as equality, freedom, justice, and combating discrimination and social injustices.

Cultural and Diversity Awareness Programs:

                j. These programs celebrate cultural diversity, foster understanding, and promote tolerance and inclusive. They aim to bridge cultural gaps, encourage dialogue, and appreciate the richness of different cultures.

Mental Health Awareness Programs:

                k. These programs aim to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues, provide information about mental health conditions, and promote mental well-being. They encourage individuals to seek help, support one another, and prioritize mental health care.

Civic Engagement and Democracy Awareness Programs:

                l. These programs promote active citizenship, democratic values, and civic participation. They educate individuals about their rights and responsibilities as citizens, and encourage engagement in community initiatives and democratic processes.

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